– The HORTEX event showcases and introduces the latest investment projects, facilities, technologies, tools, and related equipment in the tourism, hotel, restaurant, café, and fast food industries. It facilitates the exchange of knowledge and technology with active and interested countries, emphasizing the capacities and infrastructures of the relevant sectors, and conducting needs assessments to produce equipment and facilities with a focus on sustainable job creation.
HORTEX, through the planning and organization of the first tourism, hotel, restaurant, café, and fast food festival and exhibition, along with associated industries, has taken initial steps in marketing and introducing active participants in this large and efficient industry. This initiative aims to develop the tourism and hospitality industry on the beautiful island of Kish.

Based on this, in collaboration with the Kish Free Zone Organization and Kish International Exhibition Company, the “First International Festival and Exhibition of Tourism, Hotels, Restaurants, Cafés, Fast Food, Related Industries, and Equipment” has been placed on its agenda and included in the calendar of international tourism exhibition events.
With reliance on the Almighty, it is hoped that this event, by successfully completing its first edition in the coming years, aims to consolidate the effective capacities of the tourism industry and to optimally utilize available resources. Moreover, it seeks to create the necessary platforms for the active participation of the private sector, as one of the key elements in the development of this industry in the country, especially on the beautiful island of Kish.
Exhibition organizers

In the exhibition, what's new!
Increasing awareness of your brand.
Based on our evaluation of numerous successful domestic and international exhibitions and the brands showcased there, your brand’s awareness and impact are expected to surge by 30% within just four days of participation.
Attracting target audiences
Taking advantage of this opportunity and participating in the Kish Island exhibition, compare the increase in your potential customers relative to competitors who did not attend the exhibition.
The biggest marketing opportunity of the year
A great advertising opportunity that solely encompasses the audience scope of your industry.
The exhibition in your field is a golden opportunity.
B 2 B collaboration opportunity
The presence of major brands at specialized exhibitions provides an opportunity to find key partners in B2B commerce and marketing.
Exhibition organizers

Booth reservation
If you intend to participate as one of the exhibitors at the international exhibition of hospitality, tourism, restaurants, and related industries, please fill out the form below...
Exhibition news and announcements

B2B Programs and Sessions

Side projects

Exhibition themes